Currently, Mostazafan Foundation’s Cultural Institution of Museums runs 13 specialized treasuries with the following titles: “textiles”, “statues”, “Porcelain, Glass and Ceramic”, “Money”, “The Press”, “Historical Weapons”, “Pottery”, “Painting and Calligraphy”, “Gems and Jewelry”, “History”, “Architectural Structures”, “Historical Cars”, and “Time”.

The Cultural Institution of Museums uses the existing treasuries to hold tours to make the entities outside the institution familiar with the institution’s museums and treasuries and to participate in special events outside the institution with the aim of deepening research activities.

The measures in this section include:

Holding temporary exhibitions

Pathology of museum objects and works

Forming the workshop of equipping the treasuries

Step-by-step completion of the documented information of the objects in independent folders for each object

Scientific cleaning of objects using the experiences of other museums and specialized organizations

Providing photos of the objects to document their past as well as artistic and publishing exploitation

Student Research Services

Providing museum objects with IDs

Short Introduction of the Treasuries of Mostazafan Foundation’s Cultural Institution of Museums

۱. Treasury of Textiles: More than 1000 items of textiles including rugs and hand-woven carpets, parts of kiswah, traditional clothes and military uniforms, and different types of exquisite hand-sewn fabrics adorned with different decorations are kept in this treasury. The oldest textiles in the treasury which are more than 1000 years old are called Buyid dynasty’s shrouds.

۲. Treasury of Statues: In this treasury, about 1100 volumetric works of art including large and small statues made of bronze, steel, stone, etc. in different colors and sizes with different ages are kept.

۳. Treasury of Porcelain, Glass and Ceramic: This is the richest and the most diverse treasury of the institution in terms of material and has more than 20,000 objects the most important of which include glass, stone and metal works, crystal and china dinner services, ivories, pen-cases and lighting tools.

۴. Treasury of Money: This treasury is dedicated to keeping mediums of exchange and currencies in the history of Iran including exchange rings, Iranian coins (pre-Islamic and post-Islamic) and foreign coins, Iranian and foreign bills, securities and more than 600 stamps.

۵. Treasury of the Press: Collecting special issues from the different press of Iran are the focus of this treasury.

۶. The treasury of Historical Weapons: Having a collection of different firearms,  cold weapons and defensive tools such pistols, swords, bows and arrows, shields, helmets etc. and weapons from millennia BC, this treasury is considered a valuable collection to research different types of weapons and methods of bronze casting and blacksmithing.

۷. Treasury of Pottery: Having a collection of about 16,000 pieces of pottery from prehistoric, historical and Islamic periods, this treasury is one of the rarest collections of the country. The oldest pottery pieces of the treasury date back to more than 7,000 years ago and are related to Iran’s different cultural and geographical spheres.

۸. Treasury of Painting and Calligraphy: This treasury includes more than 3,000 paintings and woks of calligraphy from different periods of the history of Iran especially from the Safavid period on as well as non-Iranian works of European artists from about the 17th century AD to the contemporary period.

۹.Treasury of Gems and Jewelry: The most complete collection of Iran’s historical jewelry from the millennia BC until the contemporary period are kept in this treasury.

 ۱۰. Treasury of History: In this treasury, the focus is on a collection of work and life tools and other elements which are used in the life of the people of Tehran.  

 ۱۱. Treasury of Architectural Structures: A collection of wooden elements used in the architecture of Iranian buildings and furniture etc. from the Safavid period until today have been gathered in this treasury. 

۱۲.  Treasury of Historical Cars: This treasury includes unique automobiles from famous world companies such as Ford, Benz, Ferrari, Bentley, Volkswagen, Cadillac, etc. 

۱۳. Treasury of Time: In this treasury, different types of mechanical clocks such as wall clocks, shelf clocks, pocket watches, wristwatches etc. are available.